Collagen Induction Therapy
Microneedling channels into the skin thus using skin's own growth factors to repair scars, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles & fine lines, and sagging skin. This is a must for those needing texture reformation and or as part of a anti-aging treatment plan.
Stem Cell Collagen Induction Therapy
An enhancement to conventional CIT using pro-healing, anti-inflammatory growth factors and cytokines derived from laboratory culture of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, the specialized cells that science has determined function as “command and control” of healing in all injured tissues. Synthesized human TGF-B3 is added to further reduce inflammation and promote less fibrotic, more fetal-like healing. (no fetal cells utilized in this process)
LED Therapy (Light Emitting Diode Therapy)
LED light therapy is a painless, relaxing, non-invasive treatment that has multiple benefits such as collagen regenerating, stimulation cellular activity including fibroblast that produce collagen which give the skin a plump look. Also used for treatment of mild to moderate acne, rosacea and inflammation which age the skin and create damage.(add on to any facial/treatment)
Oxygen Facial
The ultimate must before any big event. Breath life into skin with an infusion of pure O2. Skin will emanate the ultimate glow!
Hydra Infusion
A non invasive treatment utilizing nano technology to infuse hyaluronic acid, powerful antioxidants and collagen building ingredients into the skin, resulting in plumper and hydrated skin.
Nano infuse eye treatment
A non invasive infusion of hydrating and collagen regenerating ingredients into the skin.